List of Woodworking Assembly Jobs

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Woodworking Assembly Jobs From Home

Update: Alas, all the businesses listed below that purported to offer small home based woodworking craft jobs seem to be out of business. The information below continues to be listed below because people are still looking for this information online. Better they find it here than be mislead somewhere else. Woodworking assembly jobs do not exist. If they ever did in the first place.

This post is a list of craft businesses that hire people to make woodworking crafts from home. Read the details of each job by clicking the links below. If you have any questions, you can post your comments at the end of the post.

NOTE: The tools required for this work are explained and listed below.

IMPORTANT: Please do not send any money to anyone to buy supplies before checking them out thoroughly. Make sure you communicate with them clearly. See if they have a listed number and a customer care cell. Call up and address all your queries. Ask them if they are listed with the Better Business Bureau. Check them out with the local business listings. Also ask for the address of their office in case they only list a P.O. Box address. Do not trust P.O. Box addresses as a general rule.

Also, kindly know that this information is listed here only because lots of people request it. The so called product assembly jobs are mostly defunct and not a reliable way to make an income.

You can assemble and paint their Wood American Bald Eagle plaques. You should have some painting skills. They will pay you $3.50 apiece for each eagle completed to their quality standards. They will accept a maximum of 72 eagles a week for a total of $252.00. They will also reimburse you for postage and supplies. Send $1.00 and a SASE for more information.

Contact: BIG HORN WOOD PRODUCTS P.O. Box 510 Big Horn, WY 82833-0510, Phone: (307) 655-9648 PO Box 710, Big Horn, WY – 82833-0710, Additional Phone Numbers: (970) 655-9272

ASSEMBLE Are you patient? These items are small. Miniature doll house items. There are many items to choose from. A miniature jewelry box is one of the items you can make for them and they will pay you $5.00 for each box. There is no limit on the number of items you can return to them. For a color brochure and complete information send 2 loose stamps to the address above.

Contact: Cottage Industries, Phone: (407) 872-0588 (Disconnected), Fax: (407) 872-0599

PO Box 568904, Orlando, FL – 32856 –

(Phone number and website not working. Business is most likely closed)

ASSEMBLE WOOD PULL TOYS You will be cutting out and assembling small (7-8) inch wooden pull toys. They have written detailed instructions. It’s easy, fun and relaxing work. There are three toys to select from Barnyard Chicken, Circus Zebra, and Pink Bunny. They will pay $96.00 plus up to $6.00 for shipping for every unit of 24 toys that you produce. They will accept up to two units per week a total income of $204.00 gross.

Contact: Creative Woodworks, P.O. BOX 21 MANMOUTH BEACH, NJ 07750

(732) 229-2869 19 Sunset Avenue, Long Branch, NJ – 07740

FIREWOOD CD STANDS. Make beautiful CD stands out of firewood. The materials needed for these stands are inexpensive, which makes for high profit.


(2) Elk Creek Case Company 878-8165676 Elk Creek Rd Ct, Trail, OR 97541

WOODWORKING – Make wooden note holders. You will need a band saw or coping saw and the ability to operate a saw and do free hand painting. Receive $600.00 for every 4 units. Each unit get paid $120.00 + $30.00 to cover cost of supplies for a total of $150.00 per unit and reimbursed shipping.

Contact: Name: Kraftco, Phone: (775) 782-4537 Fax: (775) 782-6056, Address: 1420 Industrial Way STE 1, Gardnerville, NV 89410-5744, Additional phone number: (775) 782-8990


This company makes beautiful and realistic dollhouse miniature accessories. There is such a large variety of items to make for this company. You would need to view their web site. Their web site shows each item what it entails and how much money they pay. Excellent web site.

• Make Chinese Take out Sets. They will pay $100.00 for 50 Chinese take out sets. • Make Dairy Set. They will pay $85.00 for 50 dairy sets. • Make Cream Cheese boxes. They will pay $50.00 for 100 boxes • Make Gold Tinsel Box. They will pay $75.00 for 100 boxes. • Make Playing cards. They will pay $50.00 for 100 bags of playing cards. • Make Silverware Chests. They will pay $60.00 for 10 chests with drawers or $50.00 for 10 chests without drawers. • Make Spiral Notebook sets. They will pay $200.00 for 50 completed bags of • spiral notebook sets • Make a Magazine Racks. They will pay for $50.00 for 20 magazine racks • Make Victorian calling card. They will pay $50.00 for 100 bagged sets of Victorian calling cards • Make union Pacific Calendar. They will pay $50.00 for 100 completed calendars. • Make Tiny Books. They will pay $50.00 for 50 bagged books • Make memo and journal books. They will pay $50.00 for 50 bagged memo Books.

Contact Address: Tiny Details, P.O. BOX 85 GROTON,NY-13073-0085, ORDER DEPT. 877 489 2900, SERVICE DEPT. 607 898 9046, FAX 607 898 9132, E-MAIL,

Tools That You May Require:

As we earlier stated, the work is fairly basic so you will require only the basic tools of woodworking.

  1. A Screwdriver – For normal screws as well as the ‘Start’ screws.
  2. A Band Saw.
  3. A Copy Saw
  4. Paint Brushes – The size and type will depend upon your comfort and the size of the craft.
  5. Some paint – The colors will be specified by the company.
  6. Nuts & Bolts – Specifications will be provided by the crafting company.
  7. Adhesive – Industrial grade adhesive that is commonly available and used to for gluing purpose in woodwork.


  1. Is the an updated list for August 24, 2017? Is their a better website to get simple woodworking, painting, staining, projects? Thanks.

  2. Good day.
    Please advise if there are any woodwork required currently near Ourimbah or Gosford Area in NSW?

    Thank you
    Riette Coetzer

  3. iam looking for work i have tools needed for this work and work with wood for years please let me know if you know were i mite get a job at home thank you

    1. Hello, Debra. You wrote this comment a long time back and I dont know if you will read the response. But I came across a resource that seems to be offering the kind of help you are looking for. At least you were. One hopes that by now that you are well on your way and have absolutely no need for this update. But I thought that this might be interest to you.. Starting a home based woodworking business.

    2. I’m sorry. I misunderstood your app. I do my own rustic wood work and thought this was an offer to open my own web site for selling my wood products and crafts. Sorry for wasting your time. I stay too busy to work for someone else.

  4. Dear Richard,
    thank you for writing in. As I understand you are interested in knowing whether you can make woodworking projects in your class in order to earn some money for your students. If you would look at the list of the woodworking companies on this post you will see one company by the name of Cottage Industries. This product assembling company seems to be in her relatively good standing with the better business bureau.
    The product that day have for you to assemble is that of miniature dollhouse items. I am not exactly sure if this is the kind of product that you and your students can make in your workshop. I do not think it requires a lot of woodworking skill. Rather it is a delicate piece of craft requiring detailed and careful craft work.
    Judging from the woodworking resources that you mentioned are unavailable due, you are probably better off making some wood and projects on your own and trying to sell them in a craft market. I am sure you have considered this possibility already and have looked around for suitable outlets for the products made by you and your students.
    In case you want a little bit of guidance and direction in terms of setting up a crafting business of your own you may read section on setting up a craft business.
    I suggest trying to establish the crafting business of your own because product assembly as an option for a substantial income is not a wholly successful enterprise. A lot of people have been dissatisfied and discontented after having trying out this work for themselves.
    There is not a lot of money to be made and not for a sustained period of time. Also, there is no serious woodworking involved with any of the products. They are essentially craft items that people who are craft hobbyists usually make.
    Woodworking is such a specialzed and amazing field of work. If you can somehow promote yourselves in your community by doing woodworking projects for the people you know to begin, I think it will be a truly wonderful enterprise.
    I really dont have to tell you about all the wonderful things that you can make that people will want to but from you.
    I truly hope it works out for you.
    Good luck with everything.

  5. I direct an alternative learning program for non-special ed high school students. We are looking for products to assemble so my students can make some money. We have access to hand tools, power tools, a table saw, a drill press, and a band saw. Please advise if there are products we can assemble.

    Thank You

    1. Hello, Richard.. I dont know if you are still looking around for some woodworking work for your school. It has been a long time since you posted this. Please refer to my comment above or check out this link. It may be of some help to you. Wishing you all the best… Start a woodworking business from home

We'd love to hear from you.. Queries are welcome.