The Movie I saw a movie last night. It was a highly rated one and one whose promotions had been flashing on my screen for a long time. The promotion of the movie never seemed like much which is probably why I put off watching it a long time, not that I watch a lot……
Tag: happiness
What is happiness… Is pursuit of happiness the ultimate goal of the human condition?
If yes, then how to get there… What will happiness mean for different people? Is it the same things we want?
What if one cannot be happy.. Does that mean that one cannot lead a meaningful existence?
(Hint: Think of some of the greatest writers, artists and creators the world has known.
Read about their life and determine if they were conventionally happy people)
Meaning of happiness in everyday life
What does happiness mean to us in our everyday lives? It is so many different things for different people but at the same time bringing about the same result in the mind.
Maybe using the word brain would be a better substitute here, because biologically speaking happiness is the same set of chemical reactions happening in the brain, despite different situations that create that state.
Different situations bring about the same chemical response in the brain that creates the sensation of being happy.
We are pursuing happiness at all times. With work, people, relationships, when we love, when we eat, with what we wear, et cetera provided that these decisions are born of free will. But isn’t it true that there seem to be bigger and smaller happinesses?
Think of different times of happiness like bigger and smaller soap bubbles, like the ones that we used to make with soap solution. The bigger the moment of happiness, the bigger the soap bubble. Think of each large bubble of happiness containing several other smaller ones.
Usually smaller bubbles can be enjoyed as long as the bigger bubbles enclose them. For example, will you still enjoy a good meal and a glass of wine if your heart is broken?
But bigger bubbles also tend to burst more easily. It it is the same with happiness bubbles. Isn’t it that the bigger happinesses that come with substantial achievements and goals are also the ones that are more volatile, such as careers, relationships, offsprings et cetera.
And when the bigger bubbles burst, the smaller bubbles of happiness contained inside them, scatter. They become difficult to gather.
What are the small bubbles of happiness? A good meal, a good glass of good wine, sunshine on your skin, a walk in Nature, a good workout at the gym, attention of a loyal friend, a comfortable bed, a warm bath and essentially everything that comes to mind when someone says to you “count your blessings“. I guess this is why it is said in the first place.
Is there a method to live with being Unhappy
The truth is that a lot of us do just that. Live with unhappiness. As with trying to define what happiness is, what does unhappy mean for different people? Is it the lack of happiness? Is it no clear and present reason but just an absence of joy? A kind of numbness or boredom?
What about when there is a very real and abject reason to be unhappy, such as loss of love, wealth or a fortune?
What is chronic or clinical depression? Is it a condition that says we will not be happy no matter what?
There’s always a reason for being unhappy even if it is a clinical one. Even if it seems like we have everything one could want.
Sometimes it’s about how our brains function. How its reward and stimuli system works.
I remember there was a story about a Spanish queen in exile one who said something like my sorrow brings me closer to God. It is a sentiment resonated by many prominent people of the spiritual and holy orders.
Getting Into A Bath? How To Get Maximum Beneficial Results
Do you still run baths for yourself from time to time? They take time to prepare, consume a lot of water and not all houses have bath tubs to begin with. Which is probably why is all the more reason to make running a bath special and maximise their benefit every single time. Most of……
Can You Ever Be All You Need To Be Happy?
I wonder if there’s a possibility that we can be self sufficient. Not in terms of material needs but emotionally and psychologically. Where it all begins. Right from the time that we are infants we are dependent on other people to be a source of validation, happiness, a sense of security and a source of……