If you can understand the things that make a successful work from home setup, then you have be able to perform better. In this post we explore some of the common pitfalls of working at home and how to overcome them to boost creativity and productivity. The more efficiently you work, the better will be the fruits of labor.
How To Earn Money By Selling Photos And Videos On Stock Photo Sites
Most creative people enjoy more than one creative pursuits. Clicking photographs is a popular and personally rewarding activity. But there is more to be gained from it than just personal satisfaction. If you follow certain guidelines, the same pictures you click for fun can become a side gig for an extra income online.
How To Create ‘Niche’ Best Selling Wood Projects
Discovering niche crafts to make is a great way to create a brand image and generate more sales. In this post we speak about how to how to make niche wood crafts that help you cut through the competition and generate more profit. There are simple enough ideas you can use to create some novel crafts of your own that help you stand out.
How To Sell Your Wood Craft Projects – A Definitive Guide
Selling is the key for any business. This is a comprehensive post on the subject of selling your woodworking projects. It touches on all aspects of promoting your woodcrafts online and offline. You will read about the various places you can sell as well as the marketing strategies you can use to reach more customers.
Pre-finishing Wood Projects – Why You Should Try It
Pre Finishing your wood projects is one of the most time and energy saving tip you will come across. In this post we discuss why you should pre-finish your wood projects and the best technique to use for a flawless result.
How To Dust Free A Workshop With Dust Collection And Air Filtration
In this post I will discuss how to keep your workshop free of wood dust and harmful chemical fumes. It is important for your health that you breath clean air in your workshop. Collecting dust also poses other hazards like making the floor slippery and jamming in your power tools, degrading them before time. Dust also, ultimately, will make the job of applying finishes more difficult.
11 Must Have Supplies For A Perfect Wood Finish
Finishing is often the source of major trepidation for a woodworker. It is the last stage of a wood project and has the power to make all the hard go to waste if it goes wrong. The finish can also make your wood project shine, no puns intended. This is a post on the must supplies and tools you need in your workshop to put on an impeccable finish on your wood projects, every single time.
How To Make A Birdhouse That Birds Will Love To Nest In
Birdhouses projects are more scientific than you might think. It takes right design, shape, size and even the height of mount to attract the birds. Different birds are attracted to different birdhouses. This is your guide to make a birdhouse that our little flurry friends will love.
Learn All About Affiliate Marketing – A Complete Guide
Affiliate marketing is probably the most profitable method we use to earn on our blog. If you don’t have a blog you can do the same things we do when you use messaging, email and post on social media. Read this post for the simplest ways to become an affiliate and start making extra cash, without spending a dime.
How To Start An Online Drop Shipping Business For Less Than $100
Drop Shipping is the easiest way to sell stuff online. It is the least complicated way to start an online store as well. If starting your own store is what you are interested in, read this post to discover how drop shipping can give you access to thousands of products from all over the world without the need to maintain an inventory or even ship the goods to a buyer yourself.