How To Be A Men’s Tailor – Jobs And Business Opportunity

What is tailoring like as an option for men to start a small business or to have a career in? This article explores the demand and potential for growth as a speciality tailor. Learn more about the venues that are open for tailors as well as how to go about becoming one.

How To Start Your Own Candle Making Business From Home

The popularity of specialty candles has really taken off in the past decade as more and more people are starting to enjoy the relaxing effect that burning scented candles can have. This popularity and consumer demand for specialty candles creates a tremendous business opportunity for the innovative entrepreneur to start a business that manufactures and……

Change The Way You Think, Turn Your Crafts To Cash

As a crafter, have you ever contemplated making an income from it? It does not matter whether part time or full time as long as you have just considered the option. The thing is that it is more feasible to make money from your crafting hobby than you ever thought possible. Crafting hobby is surpassingly……

All About Shipping

Shipping policy is important as any other. It builds customer satisfaction and loyalty. People do not like to for shipping and they like hassle free returns. Whether or not you can do this depends on your business. Shipping Costs The shipping cost on a item is viewed as an additional cost by customers. Which is……

Assemble Cd Cases At Home

Among the more popular products that people look to assemble from home is, assembling cd cases at home. Assembling cd cases is a popular product assembling enterprise. There are some obvious reasons for it. It is a product that people are familiar with. Every one knows what a cd case is and have probably used……

Financial Resources For A Business In Canada

These are some very helpful resources that will help you get finance for your craft business or as a matter of fact any other business in Canada. Financing Your Business You may want to use one or more types of financing in your small business. You may choose short-term debt financing, longterm debt financing or……

Craft Business Publications In Canada

These are some publications for setting up a craft business in Canada. All publications listed in this document are available, on reference, in the C/BC BSS Business Start-Up Library. How-To Publications Start and Run a Profitable Craft Business This book is for anyone who has ever considered taking up crafts or who is already involved……

Is It Time To Start Buying Wholesale Crafting Supplies?

Find out if you can and should start buying wholesale supplies for your craft business. What are the biggest pros and cons of taking this step… One of the expenses of running a craft business from home is buying raw materials.  Just like you may look for discounted rates for developing your infrastructure like buying……

Tips To Price Your Craft Right

The price tag that you choose to put on your product has the ability to woo the customer or to send him away. It is a integral part of your marketing efforts. You can sell anything a chosen price if you market it right and vice versa.  Follow some quick and effective tips for deciding……

5 Tricks To Increase Sales Of Your Crafts

The success of any business depends on the amount of success that you have at selling your product. Selling crafts has a few peculiarities that are specific to the crafting industry only. Follow some simple and effective pointers that are guaranteed to make both short-term and long-term benefits for your craft business.  1) Sell only……