8 Best Selling Handicraft Categories

Handicrafts is a word with a wide definition. It includes a lot of products made through different methods, using different materials and of a dazzling array of designs.  However, there are some handicrafts that are almost ‘super crafts’, as far as their popularity is concerned. These crafts from some well know segments of the art……

7 Places To Find A Craft Job

How to find a craft job If you have a crafting talent and you want to utilise it in getting a job, these are a few things you can do and places where you can look. Many crafting businesses tend to be a one-person operation. So you want to be looking for slightly larger craft……

9 Ideas For Small Wood Crafts That Sell Well

It is a satisfactory experience to build small woodcrafts that fetch a pretty price when you sell them. This article covers some popular small wood projects that are easy and interesting to make. You can use several variations of the same wood craft to create a nice variety of projects to sell. They take less time to make so you can make and sell more.

How To Learn Business Acumen Along With Creativity

So what else do you need to start a business when you already have the talent? Almost everyone will tell you that you need to have a business head on your shoulders. You need to have what people commonly referred to as business acumen. Now this may sound scary to a lot of people. This……

How To Sell More Of Your Wood Crafts

This question was asked recently by one of our email subscribers and we thought it was a good enough question to merit a post on its own. So thank you for asking. We will try to provide some useful input here. Sales are the ever important factor in any business. No matter what it is.……

Home Based Craft And Product Assembly Jobs – Complete List

Product assembling jobs are home based work opportunities that involve assembling of simple products, that are mostly crafts. This post lists over 30 such craft jobs that require the basic skills of cutting, gluing and sticking components together to assemble the finished product. Also, most importantly, this article discusses whether there are any genuine assembling work opportunities that allow one to work from home, and where to find them.

Sewing Jobs At Home | Make Simple Crafts

Update: This article was published sometime back when home based craft assembly jobs were a popular search online. Many people interested in working from home sewing crafts and other things wanted more information about this opportunity. However, over time it became evident, from the numerous reviews and feedbacks pouring in from the people who tried……

List of Woodworking Assembly Jobs

Woodworking Assembly Jobs From Home Update: Alas, all the businesses listed below that purported to offer small home based woodworking craft jobs seem to be out of business. The information below continues to be listed below because people are still looking for this information online. Better they find it here than be mislead somewhere else.……

Why Product Assembly Jobs No Longer Exist

We wanted to send you an update of what we keep speaking about all the time on the blog. We have been getting several emails from our subscribers and followers about the assembly companies that they have been looking in to. Without mentioning specific names they have reported that many of the addresses and phone……

Top 10 Best Selling Wood Projects | Woodcrafts That Make You More Money

Here are some of the best selling woodcrafts of all times. They are the proven best sellers that are popular and sell well. The complexity ranges from simple to medium difficult. Making wood projects in these niches means more profit for your woodworking business and more income as a woodworker for the amount of time you put in.