7 Best Places To Create Your First Webpage Online

Website Vs. Webpage – Is there a difference? Websites used to be the classic method. Then blogs made things easier. Now things are even simpler. Social media pages and and posts offers both ease and functionality. So as things stand today, creating a webpage online does not necessarily mean going the traditional route  of hosting……

9 Reasons Your Small Business Needs Its Own Webpage

This post was earlier written as citing the need for a website for any small business. Since then I have changed the topic from requiring a website to requiring a webpage. The reason is that a few years back, a website was the only good option to have an online presence. Today there are multiple……

10 Household Items That I Re-Use For Dozens Of Other Things

This is a list of 10 household items that I reuse for many dozens of other equally practical and needful purposes. It’s a great way to recycle what you already have which feels great. It saves you from buying new stuff and using what you already have. 1. Mason Jars Mason jars are an absolute favourite……

Choosing First Few Hand Tool Wood Projects For Beginners

There are some great reasons to use hand tools in woodworking specially if you are learning. This post is a list of some great woodworking projects that can be made using only hand tools without much hassle and in quick time. These projects are great for hobbyists as a DIY project and also to sell. This is woodworking as it was done during some of its finest years.

How To Get Into Pottery | For HoBBy & MoNEy | Craft Business Idea

A Brief Guide To Creating Ceramics – For Work & Play Pottery is one of the most accessible art and craft to learn. It is both a craft, as well as art depending on what you make from it. That is to say, you make ceramics that are inherently functional in nature (crafts) or decorative……

Secrets Of An Arbitrage Craft Business | Buy And Resell Crafts For A Profit (Picture Post)

Playing in the Sand Just like playing in the sand and discovering buried treasures, you can unearth arts and crafts in innocuous places, for wondrous prices. And if you are right, just like unknown treasures in the sand you can sell them for a great profit.(Left: Vintage Dial Phones Replicas, 1841-1895) What Is Arbitrage Arbitrage……

Sell Plants From Home – A Craft Business Idea (Picture Post)

Like To Grow Plants? Whether you grow plants as a hobby or it’s something you do to de-stress, there is one more benefit to your pastime. Plant growing is a fulfilling craft that can make you an income. Even a full-time one. There are many small businesses that are doing just this. And don’t worry……

Social Media Guide For Business Part #2 – Using Pinterest

This post is about Pinterest, a social media platform that I, perhaps, use the most for promotions of my work, and the various ways you can use it to work for your business, if it will work for your kinds of business at all.   In part #1 for social media guide for small business……

Social Media Guide For Business Part #1 – Using Facebook

Social media platforms are getting more powerful with passing time for all kinds of small businesses. They are also becoming more small business unfriendly and encouraging paid promotions and presence. In this post you will learn how to leverage Facebook and a Facebook Business page to get more leverage for your small business using both organic and paid growth through Facebook Ads.

Best Ways To Exercise From Home For Better Performance

Explore what working out from home is all about with a close look at all the kinds of exercise that you can without expensive equipment and gym memberships. All you will need is oodles of inspiration and a drive to improve your well being in as much as is in your hands.