I recommend an advance payment policy to businesses and not just a woodworking business. However, the payment terms can differ from one business to another depending on the nature of the work and client requirements. This post explores the best ways to formulate a suitable payment policy for your woodworking business, including advance payment terms. This is important to insure that your cash flow remains healthy and your costs are covered.
Hiring Help – Does Your Woodworking Business Need It?
In this post we talk about the best ways to hire additional help for your woodworking business, because at some point your business is going to require it. Are you a one-person business? Are you growing and expanding? Factors such as these will decide the kind of help you should hire to cause the least amount of complications for your business.
How Much Space Is Needed To Setup A Woodshop
Will you be surprised to learn that you do not always need a large space to start woodworking? It all depends on what projects you are making and how you are making them. There are ways to adjust your woodworking activity to suit the space you have on your hands. In this post we have a brief look at the correlation between space and your setup.
Do You Need Commercial Grade Power Tools For A Woodworking Business?
There is usually a steep price difference between the woodworking tools deemed as professional versus those meant for personal and light use. Do you need to make this additional expense? Sometimes you do and sometimes you can be smart with the tools and accessories you buy and save yourself extra expense. This post explains what grade of woodworking tools you need when.
Always Start A Woodworking Business With Your Current Skill Set
It is the easiest to start a woodworking business doing the kind of jobs you are the best at. You work in woodworking categories that you are confident about doing well. This is what starting with your current and existing woodworking skills is all about. No matter how small or specific your current talent is……
Heirloom Or Simple Furniture – What Is More Profitable To Make
You can go in many directions with a woodworking business in regards to the projects you make and sell. The choice often depends on your skill combined with your liking for a particular kind of work. One of the decision a woodworker has to make is whether to make more expensive and time consuming wood projects or go with the simpler one. Read this post to discover what is right for you.
Choosing Woodworking As A One Person Business
There are several reasons for running your wood-shop solo. This article is about exploring the potential of a one-person woodworking business and how you can still manage to grow and expand your work. Learn about the advantages and dis-advantages of running a workshop yourself.
Shining Spectacular Brand Image In 7 Steps
The steps of branding depend on the nature of your business. For example, certain branding steps differ if you are selling your crafts online as compared to selling them through a physical shop. However, this difference is less every day because online presence is becoming ever important to get the word for your business out……
Why Branding Makes Much More Money For You
Creating a brand image is the best things you can do for your work. You will make many times more money for the same amount of work. Branding is about creating an identity for your work and for yourself as a professional. This can be accomplished in so many ways and the effort yields results many times over.
How To Choose The RIght Setup For Your Business
There are 3 main aspects to deciding the kind of business you want to start – the physical structure and the legal structure and whether you will start part-time or full-time. The physical structure of the business What shape and form that you want your business to physically take in this world? Will it be a……