Are You Ready To Be An Entrepreneur?

Discover if you have what it takes to start your own craft business. One of the doubts a person can have regarding starting a business is whether they are actually cut out to run and grow a business. There are certain traits and qualities that all successful entrepreneurs share. Let’s see if you possess them……

Not Sure If You Are Creative? Discover Your Crafting Talents

Self doubt can plague anyone, at any juncture and during any enterprise. So starting your own creative business in no exception. You know that you would love to do run your own show. You know that you love art and craft. But at the same time, do you doubt if you are creative enough? Sure……

How To Get Best Results From Woodworking Tools

It is quite likely that your woodworking tools are capable of more functionality than you have used them for so far. By learning new techniques you can use the same tools to do more things. Even if you are buying new ones you can follow some quick tips to make sure that you get value for your money spent.

11 Must Have Hand Tools For A Woodworking Business

Hand tools are an absolute requirement for a wood-shop. If you have not learnt to use some till now these are the must have hand tools that you need to get in your workshop. They will make your job easier on many occasions. The odds are that you already use some of them because woodworking is not possible without them.

9 Must Have Power Tools For A Woodworking Business

Power tools are a boon for woodworking. They are also expensive to buy. So if are just beginning to invest in some power for your workshop, these are the electric tools that you need to focus on getting first. They are the essentials and take on the maximum workload in most wood-shops.

Pros and Cons Of Taking On Contractual Woodworking Work

Woodworking projects on a contracts are a promise of long term work and income. But they also come with risks. Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of working on large contractual wood building projects.

Customer Service – Dealing With Complaints In a Woodworking Business

Hopefully if you do the job well and follow the suggested steps outlined earlier there will be no problems. However situations can arise. The best way to handle customer complaints and problems, in most of the circumstances, is to remember that this is not just one job thing. If you decide to play the blame……

How to Deal With A Potential Customer

Customers are of all kinds and can present different scenarios. Dealign with customers is an important skill to master when doing custom woodworking projects, but even when selling your stuff. These are a few tips to inspire confidence in your buyers and creating lasting business relationships.

Free And Cheap Ways to Advertise A Woodworking Business

You need to be famous to make money. I am not paparazzi famous. I am simply talking about being known, no matter what you do. That is the only way people are going to come to buy from you. You have to get to them first. These are some effective and cost effective ways of advertising your woodworking business.

How To Sell More Crafts By Making A Photo Album For Them

This article is about why you need to be taking pictures of yours woodcraft right now, if you have not started doing that already. There are several benefits to be had by including this practice in your working routine and process. Read about the different ways in which you can create Photo albums for your work as well as the different ways in which you can use these photographs to do better business