How To Make And Sell Niche Craft Items

A niche is explained simply as finding or creating something special. The niche is either the craft itself i.e. something that no one or few people are doing. Or it is a variation of a craft i.e. you change or put conditions of your own that make the craft different. For example, iPad covers are not……

Money Do’s and Do Not’s For A Craft Business

Keep just a few things in mind to manage the finances for your craft business better. Do not use personal funds. While, it’s true you are probably going to use your own funds for starting a business, avoid dipping into your personal accounts and savings for future business use. Allocate the amount of funds you……

Set A Clear Financial Goal Before You Begin

One of the things that you need to do while starting a draft business is set initial and realistic financial goals. This puts many things in perspective and helps with the start-up. By starting your own craft business one is guessing that you want to build financial security for you and your family. You can……

Stay True To Your Craft And Personal Style

You are very likely to face pressure from different directions when you start a craft business. You may tend to compare yourself to other craft businesses. You may get business advice from many quarters telling you what and what not to do. Stay true to your craft and do not start worrying about whether or……

Business Essentials – Licence, Permits, Taxation Etc.

In almost every form of business you need to adhere to some guidelines, rules and regulations from the government as well as the community. Here is a checklist that you should look into to ensure that you and your business are in compliance. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your kind of business……

How To Choose A Name For Your Craft Business

The process of choosing a craft business name comes after you have decided what kind of business you are getting into. Keeping that in mind choose the appropriate name. Remember to keep future expansions and diversification in mind. Putting a particular ‘craft’ such as ‘cakes, quilts, lamps, bags’ etc. in the business name can make things……

Setting Up A Creative Workplace

The place where you work with your crafts should be a source of inspiration, solace and creativity apart from serving all the practical functions as well. No major overhaul required. Start with a simple space. Don’t think for a minute that we are asking you to do a major setup here. There are a few……

Creating Time For Crafting

You have decided to start working on your craft business dream. Now you need to put in the hours to get things moving. What is your situation? Are you already working in a full time job? Do you have a hectic schedule with home and family responsibilities? Where is the time for crafting? Get disciplined……

The Most Important Quality Of A Craftperson

Some of you will answer that its talent. Yes, of course you need talent to be successful as crafts person. But only that is not going to ensure business success. So what else? Business acumen? Yes, that is needed as well. Without learning and knowing the business side of things you cannot hope to convert……

7 Steps To Choose A Perfect Craft To Sell

In this post we are going to nail down every single point of debate in order to decide what is the best craft for you to make and sell. We’ll tackle it in seven steps. Here goes. 1) Take measure of your skill and talent This is the starting point ready. What are your strengths……