How To Start Selling Sewing Crafts Online

You must consider selling your things online even if you have never before. The barrage of benefits of selling online are simply overwhelming. To begin, selling online has become easier than ever before. You don’t need your own website & you don’t have to spend any money up front (think…). You have some amazing……

How To Choose A Name For Your Sewing Business

Never start selling your selling items without putting a few things in place first. One of them is: choose a name for your sewing business. This step applies when selling any kind of product not just for an art & craft business. A business name is the identity of your craft. It is important for……

3 Amazing Ways To Sew Better With Patterns

These simple tips will help you get much more out of your existing sewing patterns. You can learn to sew better and faster as well as use the same patterns to create more interesting designs.

6 Great Ways To Save A LOT Of Money When Buying Fabric

These are simple & effective ways you can save money next time you need to buy fabric or any sewing accessories for your business. Shop on Offers, Sales & Armed With Vouchers Time purchase to coincide with sales & offers. It helps to know what you’re selling business needs on a regular basis so you……

Are You a Fabric Addict?

You know what I mean! It’s just impossible to not find fabric irresistible. That’s a huge part of why you sew! Not sure if you are a fabric junkie? Here are some classic symptoms: You buy more fabric then you know what to do with. You buy impulsively without letting your “practical” side interfere. You……

How To Coordinate Different Fabrics for Your Sewing Projects

This is a special topic & a favourite one. The potential of your sewing crafts is determined to a large extent by how well you coordinate your colors, patterns & prints. There are several techniques that assure your combination is always attractive. You can, of course, go completely by your own instincts, as many seasoned……

How To Buy And Manage Fabric Responsibily

Now that you are getting set up to start sewing professionally, you need to handle all aspects of sewing with a more professional approach. And organising the usage of your fabric is a part of it. Organising the way you use fabric not only makes it easier to work, but also saves you useless extra……

Where And How to Sell Your Crafts

The secret to success behind any business is to be able to sell. So when we encourage our subscribers to start selling their own art & crafts, the questions on their mind is “How do we do that?” The selling experience can be broken down into 2 stages. Stage 1: Point of sale, which is……

How to Discover Your Creativity When New Ideas Are Elusive

One of the doubts that plagues a craftsperson mind is the belief that you cannot create something new & attractive enough to sell. In other words you doubt if you are creative enough, struggle to come up with new ideas or just find yourself stuck in a creative rut. Well there’s some great news for……

11 Must Have Sewing Accessories And Sewing Machine Tools

These are sewing accessories and sewing machine tools that one must have in their sewing shop. These accessories ensure all sewing jobs and all major sewing processes happen conformable and quickly.